Illinois Tenant-Landlord Law

Federated state of the central-eastern USA, 145,934 km², 12,831,970 residents (2006 estimate), 88 residents/km², capital: Springfield. Borders: Wisconsin (N), Indiana (E), Kentucky (S), Iowa and Missouri (W).

State Overview

The territory, mostly flat, with hilly undulations due to the morainic deposits of the Quaternary glaciers, is located in the basin of the Mississippi river which here, in the town of Cairo, receives the Ohio river; these are the two main rivers that affect the country, but only marginally, as they flow the first to the border with Iowa and Missouri, the second along the border with Kentucky. The other major rivers all have a course oriented from NE to SW and are tributaries of Mississippi, such as the Rock River, Illinois and Kaskaskia, and Ohio, like Wabash, which marks part of the Indiana border. The climate is continental, with marked temperature excursions and copious rainfall, especially in the southern sector. Illinois is a large agricultural state, among the most important in the USA: it is in fact at the top for the production of soy, corn, wheat, oats and fodder. Other products include barley, potatoes and rye; cattle breeding is also flourishing, especially pigs. Coal, oil, lead, zinc and fluorite are extracted from the subsoil. The industries are particularly active in the mechanical, steel, chemical and food sectors. Over 3/4 of the population lives in urban centers, but distribution is heavily influenced by the metropolis of Chicago, which alone collects over half the inhabitants of the entire state. Other important cities are, beyond the capital, Rockford, Peoria, Decatur, Joliet and Evanston.


Explored by the French J. Marquette and L. Joliet in 1673, then by Cavalier René Robert de La Salle (1680), it passed to the British with the Treaty of Paris (1763). Conquered by George Rogers Clark on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia (1778), it was ceded to the United States government (1784). Organized in the territory in 1809, it became a state of the Union in 1818. It hosted social and religious colonies, the Quakers in Fox River (1835), the Mormons in Nauvoo. The latter however encountered strong opposition and left the state after their leader, Joseph Smith, was murdered in Carthage prison (1844). From the middle of the century. XIX had a great economic development, both in agriculture and in industry. It gave birth to Abraham Lincoln.

Below you will see top cities in Illinois.

Springfield (Illinois)

City ​​(147.098 residents in 1998) and capital of the State of Illinois (USA), 200 km SW of Chicago, 182 m on the Sangamon River. Active agricultural market (cereals, tobacco), it is home to the food, chemical, engineering, wood, footwear and graphic industries. Tourism. Nearby, coal deposits. Airport.


City ​​(148,531 residents in 1996) of the State of Illinois (USA), 130 km NW of Chicago, 218 m on the Rock River. Active river port and agricultural market, it is home to engineering, food, construction materials, chemical and electrical engineering industries. Airport.


City ​​(112,306 residents in 1996) of the State of Illinois (USA), 200 km SW of Chicago, on the Illinois River. Important agricultural market, there is a river port and headquarters of extractive (coal), food, mechanical and chemical industries. Bradley University (1897). Airport.


City ​​(78,000 residents) of the State of Illinois (USA), 50 km SW of Chicago, on the Des Plaines River, section of the Illinois Waterway. Located near some coal and limestone deposits, it is home to the mechanical, chemical, food, clothing and paper industries. Founded in 1831 with the name of Juliet, it was then called Joliet in 1845, in honor of the explorer Louis Joliet (or Jolliet), who visited the place in 1673.


City ​​(73,700 residents) of the State of Illinois (USA), on Lake Michigan, on the northern outskirts of Chicago, to which it belongs. Residential center with electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical, chemical, glass and iron and steel industries. Northwestern University (1851) is located here.

Ill. – Chicago Residential Landlord & Tenant Ordinance

Attorney Richard Magnone delivers this guide to the city’s governing ordinance, offering its text, summaries and notes. Link to request services.


Ill. – Chicago’s Landlord/Tenant Ordinance

Presents an overview of the services provided via this municipal organization, pertaining to landlord-tenant issues. Locate contact specifics.


Ill. – Fair Housing Center of Lake County

Scroll through these instructional essays for a primer to Illinois law regulating fair housing issues. Includes organization and contact data.


Ill. – Handbook, Tenant Union at Champaign-Urbana

Consumer protection office produces this tenant handbook explaining state laws and policies. Procure forms, and link to the organization.


Ill. – Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 765

Chapter 765 of the state’s statutory provisions demarcates the boundaries, obligations and rights relevant to property law.


Ill. – Illinois Rental Housing Information

Guide to the midwestern state’s landlord and tenant law, and related issues. See legal summaries, locate associations and view law texts.


Ill. – Landlord-Tenant,

Attorney-locator resource presents this guide to state laws governing the leasing relationship. Contributes a disclaimer.


Ill. – Resources for Renters

Directory identifies organizations targeting leasing Illinois residents and furnishes contact information for each. Adds related datasheets.


Ill. – Tenants’ Rights Pamphlets, Metro Tenants Org.

State’s Metropolitan Tenants Organization compiles and displays a collection of FAQs, detailing rights held by renters. Includes an index.


Illinois Tenant-Landlord Law

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