Conflict in Israel

Jewish settlements

The Zionists created Israel by destroying 418 Palestinian villages and towns in 1948. By April 1949, the Israeli government had already installed 180,000 Jews in homes expropriated from Palestinians.

He built settlements from 1967 and the wall that exceeded 800 kilometers in length since 2002.

Due to the strategic location of the illegal settlements and the construction of roads that unite them, Israel isolated the free Palestinian movement by dividing the northern area of Palestine (West Bank) into isolated cantons.

In 2006, Israel’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert considered that: “Israel will set its borders between now and 2010. ” Reaffirming the historical Zionist interest in a permanent redesign of the Israeli borders marked by land encroachment, expansion, the wall and settlements, to keep a high percentage of the 1967 Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, before 2010.

The silent strategy of the illegal expansion of the settlements, demonstrated that all the policies declared by Israel on a withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territory, from the 1993 Oslo accords to Annapolis 2007, were a sham to mislead international public opinion.

Most of the settlements were built on fertile land usurped from the Palestinians. With its rich water resources such as the western aquifer (Jordan Basin), springs and wells, it allowed settlers to use 2,400 m3 of Palestinian waters per year, as opposed to the 50 m3 per year allowed by the occupying power to Palestinians.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon reiterated his condemnation of the expansion of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories as illegal under international law and insisted that they must cease.

Israeli wall

Suicidal terrorism has been the pretext used to build this wall that aims to imprison the Palestinians. “The wall is to defend us from suicide bombers,” Israel alleges, but in practice, its construction is destroying Palestinian crops, surrounding towns, isolating thousands of people, imprisoning others, and taking over much of the West Bank territory.

The wall is not a defense against terrorism; it is, above all, an attempt to seize more territory. Israeli soldiers use their bulldozers to bulldoze Palestinian fields, while land continues to be expropriated in Jerusalem and the West Bank to hand over to Jewish settlers, sometimes from other countries. The anti-Arab racism that accompanies that policy has been seen in the withdrawal from Gaza, where Israel has razed Jewish settlements, which were illegal under UN resolutions.

Despite the anti-terrorist rhetoric of the construction of a defensive wall, the systematic violation of human rights in the occupied territories, the policy of selective assassinations, seizures and the military occupation itself, and the refusal to recognize Palestine, they show the true face From Israel.

Violation of human rights
The total number of Palestinians detained since the beginning of the Intifada (in 2000) against the Israeli colonization amounts to more than six thousand, most of them remain in Zionist prisons. Currently, of the more than 6,000 detainees, as a country located in Middle East according to, Israel keeps 1,007 Palestinians in administrative detention, without charge or trial, according to the Betselem association for the defense of Human Rights in the Palestinian territories. “For the first time since the first Intifada (1987 – 1993), more than a thousand Palestinians are imprisoned (by Israel) under the regime of administrative detention, “says the organization.” Betselem calls on the Israeli government to immediately release all those who are in administrative detention.

Detainees against whom there is evidence should be tried and have the right to defend themselves, “the association said in a statement. In addition, 1,357 Palestinians have been detained since Saúl Mofaz’s arrival at the Ministry of War. Mofaz is the former head of the Israeli army and responsible for the Jenin Massacre. The administrative detention procedure allows a person to be detained for six months, extendable without trial or charge, and without informing the detainee or his lawyer of the suspicions that exist against him. Neither the detainee nor his lawyer have access to the report against him.This imprisonment authorized by a high military official and not by a decision of justice, thus violates the civil rights of the Palestinians.

The Israeli Supreme Court authorized the use of torture and force against Palestinian detainees without any evidence of their involvement in actions against the Israeli occupying forces. Also, the Israeli state courts refused to investigate the complaint filed by more than thirty Palestinian women who have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the military in prisons.

In June 2010 an international humanitarian flotilla heading to Gaza was criminally assaulted by Israeli forces in international waters. Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina and Chile joined the international condemnation of the Israeli action against the fleet that carried humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip, which suffers a three-year blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt. The regional network Telesur, based in Venezuela, denounced the disappearance of one of its journalists, who was in the convoy.

Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon continued its contacts with individual governments to implement the declaration of the Security Council on the Israeli attack on the humanitarian flotilla aid to Gaza. In Geneva, the United Nations Human Rights Council decided by 32 votes in favor to create a commission to investigate Israeli aggression against civilian vessels in international waters. The United States, the Netherlands and Italy voted against and nine countries abstained (Belgium, Burkina Faso, France, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Slovakia, Ukraine and Great Britain).

Conflict in Israel

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